Tuesday, February 26, 2019

This is our agenda for the day. Those of you who would like to check the Advanced Daily Christian Advocate for explanations of these items.

The first item is somewhat misnamed: at this point it has not to do with the One Church Plan; it has to do with how what the General Conference will ultimately pass today will be facilitated and implemented in the Central (non-English speaking) Conferences, and not sooner than 12 months after the 2020 General Conference (for example, in the Philippines, Africa, Russia, etc.), subject to the specific contexts of those places.

We rather easily dispatched matters related to the pensions and properties. Now a break before we begin the more pressing and, I suspect, painful business of trying to perfect and implement the matters from the Traditional Plan.
Remember, last fall many parts (about 40%) of the TP was ruled Unconstitutional. Late yesterday afternoon we requested another declaratory ruling from the Judicial Council as to this plan. We fully expect the same concerns to be voiced, though some will have been corrected. The several remaining areas of concern will be addressed. Good News, in their "Focus" this morning lists at least nine places that need "fixing."

Some are openly hoping it can't get fixed at all or in time, which would leave us where we are, $5M and five days later. Be that as it may, there will then follow discussion/debate on the two Exit plans. Gonna be a long day. Can you tell I am PUMPED?

Fingers at the ready! Power cords on hand! New batteries in my mouse!  Your intrepid blogger, at it for another day!

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