Thursday, February 28, 2019

From Our WNCC Conference Offices

Friends, here is a word from our Conference Offices. Most, not all, of our delegation supported the One Church Plan, but we also had folk who supported the Traditional Plan. Be that as it may, the bishop and some others will conduct briefings across the Conference over the next few weeks. The one nearest Hawthorne Lane will be at Assurance UMC on March 10 and I do plan to attend.

I will interested to hear from those who were "on the floor" and who are more nearly "in the know" as to their read and insights regarding the General Conference.

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On a personal note, I made it home after a long day of Ubers, plane flights, lay-overs and such. After unpacking and starting the wash, I watched, barely, the last five minutes of the Tennessee beating Ole Miss (and yes, it was clearly a charge!). I do not remember climbing the steps or getting into bed, but there I slept for 11 hours. Good to be home. Looking to eat a nice salad today.

Fishing for the Future I was supposed to go fishing this afternoon.  Didn’t happen, though. Bummer. I love to fish, though I do not...