Monday, February 25, 2019

The Simple Plan

Regarding the Request for Declaratory Decision: 54% vote to refer/request.

Now, a Simple Plan.

First speaker: For: The church is not safe/sacred space for all God’s children. I am child of mission, and mission will allow all people to come in.

Second speaker: Against: A southern CA preacher, who is African-American, both gay and a veteran, speaking of his fear that the Simple Plan that is not radical enough, that it does not go far enough. He lives with fear on account of his race, and with fear in the church because we do not welcome. We have been loud about money, and property and who is excluded…but silent about the excluded children of the church.

Third Speaker: For: German delegate who dreams that on Wednesday there will be no distinctions at all and will stand for the Kingdom of God.

Fourth Speaker: Against: Mexican delegate, passionate, but I have no translation device (but see below).

Fifth Speaker: For: A Western Pennsylvania woman whose pastor is very conservative but finds the descriptions in the Social Principles to disrupt his focus on ministering by telling him that some of whom he serves are described as sinful.

Sixth Person: Against: A Russian woman who, while they have a strong regard for all of creation, fears the changing of the language will drive the church further underground (for in Russia, homosexuality is a crime) and the church will not be able to be a welcoming community as they try to grow. The acceptance of the Simple Plan will cause the rejection of the church out of hand by the culture.

Seventh Person: For: A self-identified Queer lay woman from New York: The Simple Plan does not call for anyone to believe anything they do not believe. It simply allows LBGTQI+ to live freely in their context in their church. To be equated with “alcoholics” (as the speaker above from Mexico) is insulting.

Eighth Person: Against: A self-identified Queer woman clergy from New England: the sins of silence and fear cannot be undone by the deletion of the language. It cannot make a real difference. We can confess but we cannot change. This plan does nothing to bind people to a welcoming and repentant lifestyle. It is time for more that doing no harm; it is time for doing good.

Vote to close debate: needs two-thirds: debate is closed.

Support Simple Plan: 323 (40%)

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