Monday, February 25, 2019

The Rainbow Volcano Just Erupted

The matter before us was "referral for a declaratory decision" as to the constitutionality of the Traditional Plan. There were speeches for and against that referral, which only requires a one-third vote to sustain. A young man rose to speak, wearing a rainbow stole, a reserve lay delegate, who began to speak of the "crucifixion of the church," and how if we pass a plan that contains parts we already anticipate will be ruled unconstitutional (as many parts of the Traditional Plan have been), that it will cause inestimable harm to the witness of young, progressive Christians like him who are in secular settings but have been able to share the love of Jesus with folk who have never heard a gospel of grace but only a gospel of judgment. He spoke with the fire of a tent preacher, and before his three minutes were done half the bishops, a third of the delegates and a lot of the observers were on their feet clapping. I was too slow with my camera to catch the man or the moment, but it was a moment.

The Chair called for a break, and now clusters of delegates are huddling. Between the "matter of dignity," which was a somber moment, and the eruption of the Rainbow Volcano, which was unbridled, the Conference is in an interesting dither at this point.

We still have to vote on referral for the declaratory decision, and we have to hear from the Simple Plan supporters. We are scheduled to go for 2 more hours and we may need it. Stay tuned.

1 comment:

Fishing for the Future I was supposed to go fishing this afternoon.  Didn’t happen, though. Bummer. I love to fish, though I do not...