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I am just wondering, now, what is the doctrine that demands unity? That is, there are lots of doctrines
in the church, but which ones are essential and which ones are less so? Is Acts 15:29 THE defining text? Maybe, though again I am uncertain as to the exact parallels between what the Council calls porneia and what we are considering? After all, that verse also calls for us to remain kosher.
I don’t know.
But ask yourself: what are the things we must agree on to remain
Christian, to live joyfully in the unity of our faith (as the lady presenting the Traditional Plan put it)? Off the top of my heart
I say The Resurrection of Jesus. The Trinity. The authority of the living word of God. Faith in Jesus lived
in service to the world.
"Jesus is Lord." Yes, THAT is an absolute essential.
If you had to make a list, what would you include?
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One more thought… one of my counselors used to ask me, “Tom, what
are you afraid is going to happen?” So many times I was so afraid, but of what I was not sure. Gradually, by grace, I learned that I do not need to be so afraid. Which is not to say I never am, even now, but much less than before. A parallel question might be, “What is the payoff, and who gets paid?”
I keep wondering what our people are afraid of, one way or
the other. Really: if we split or don’t, what are we afraid will happen? And, What is the pay-off, for staying together or splitting? And who benefits, one
way or the other? Madame Coin benefitted from President Snow's downfall. Was she freeing the people or exalting herself?
That may be a dumb question. But I am not afraid to ask it.
Good commentary Tom. Praying for the conference.