Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Getting Ready for Minneapolis!

REALLY LIVELY BIBLE STUDY TODAY!! On the future of the UMC! I was advocating for the Centrist Progressive position, and a Traditionalist took exception.

Actually, no. I was taking the Traditionalist position, and a Centrist Progressive took exception. Just ate some pavement while I was taking a walk.

Actually, no. I was trying to take no position and EVERYONE took exception.

Actually, no. A chicken, a possum and Tom walked into a bar; the chicken and the possum used the door (thanks to Sean). Actually: A nose piercing gone horribly wrong.

Actually, no. Here is the real talk: Since my prostate cancer surgery last July 8, I have gained 25 lbs. I used to walk 4+ miles every day, and over 5 many days. Since July I have
walked a total of about 3 no wonder I have gained the weight. But, I feel awful. And so, I have been saying for a number of weeks now: got to get back to walking. This week, for some reason, it happened. Today was my third consecutive day doing three plus miles, and I was within 100 yards of my door when I stepped on the edge of the sidewalk, rolled my ankle, and ate some concrete. Could have been a LOT worse. I did not break my nose or cheek. I do not bruise but will have a black eye, I suspect. I am sore. But, God willing, I will lace them on again tomorrow and head back out.

Which is why I think this does help me with Minneapolis. I think there will be days when we are face down on the concrete. I hope not, but I suspect it will be the case.

Further, today, lying prone on the sidewalk bleeding, two cars drove past slowly, perhaps thinking to stop, but not stopping. Later, as I ambled the last 100 yards to home, a jogger come the other way saw me, bleeding, and kind of sped-up to get past me. I have new insight to Luke 10: it may have been the blood.

In Minneapolis we MUST tend to each other. We have to see the hurt and help. Do No Harm means also not letting the wounds go untended.

In the next few blogs I am going to share some materials I have been teaching here on why I am a Centrist/Progressive. And why BIBLICALLY I find myself in that position. Which is to say: I think part of the impasse of the last however many comes to a stalemate of authority. The Traditionalists have discounted Reason and Experience in favor of a monolithic reading of the text (I use that term carefully and theologically; as in stone tablets, as in the letter of the law; as if the Law is one thing). The Progressives have abandoned Scripture and Tradition (as anachronistic, misogynist, oppressive). What we have not been able to do is find biblical grounds to counter a monolithic reading and provide a LIVING word that retains authority in what has been described as the Quadralateral.

I think the case for a Centrist to Progressive position is thoroughly biblical and I will share that line of thinking in the next few entries.

If you would like to see the whole piece now, email me at and I will send it to you electronically.

Now, another dram of bourbon as I change my bandages.

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