Friday, March 1, 2019

Another Post from our Bishop and Others

As we anticipate our meeting after worship on Sunday, I invite you to ask yourselves what you want to ask me... and by that I mean, What do you want/need to hear from me on the downside of the General Conference?

I do not want to minimize or to overstate what all happened there (in my sermon on Sunday I will compare it to the strange scene in Luke 9 we call "the Transfiguration"), and as we prepare to enter the season of Lent, I will use both my sermon and the informational session following the service to talk about discipleship and the continuing work of ministry.  

As you ponder, and as I do, too, I am clear that for some I will not be able to say enough; for others, perhaps the GC said too much.

But how can we at HLUMC have the kinds of discussions that are helpful and fruitful, revealing and redemptive?

Here is a link that came today from Bishop Leeland and others:

He is saying much the same thing I have heard Ken Carter say (

Who is saying much the same thing I have read from the pen of our District Superintendent, David Hockett (

Be patient: Judicial Council does not meet till April.

Be prayerful: for all of us who are charged with, as the bishop says, upholding the Discipline and working for the unity of the Church.

Be faithful: do not make rash decisions, borne of either gloating or despair. We are not yet where we are going to be: God is leading us still.

Yes, some are happy because they believe we are advancing a Plan that is faithful to their particular reading of Scripture (not what is written, but how they read it); and some are in pain and deeper than they were because they believed the Church was ready to make a move in their direction.

In fact, neither group has reason enough to feel, finally, what they are understandably feeling now. We are just beginning the latest leg of this long journey.

So be hopeful. And let me say, I am. When I see the amazing ministry we are doing at Hawthorne Lane, I have never been more convinced of the importance of the Church and the Gospel, the relevance of grace to this graceless time and season. I stand on the promise of Jesus that the Church is his church, built on the foundation of the apostles, prophets and martyrs, and that nothing will finally subvert its mission. The "gates of hell" may assault Jesus and his Church, but they will surely not prevail.

So, Come. Let us reason together. Let us talk and pray and worship and discuss together. Because we are in this together. Or we can be.

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