Tuesday, February 12, 2019

What Are the Collaterals?

Each of the four plans I summarized in my first blog have some foreseeable, and some unforeseeable consequences for congregations, clergy, bishops, Annual Conferences, Boards and Agencies. Call them "collaterals," not in the sense of "damage," necessarily, but certainly in the way of necessary changes in the way we have been organized and do business as a church. 

While it is impossible to anticipate all the implications of whatever plan is affirmed by the majority of delegates to General Conference--and while it will take years for all of the changes to take place--the chart you will find at this link comparing three of the plans is very helpful (our Conference Board of Ordained Ministry reviewed and discussed this chart at their February meeting, which Pastor Carrie attended):


You will notice that the Simple Plan is not represented in the chart. The advocates of this position maintain, as I understand it, that there will be no necessary changes to any of the structures or agencies of the general church. Rather, the restrictive language in the Book of Discipline would be removed. As a consequence, Annual Conferences would examine and ordain clergy regardless of matters of sexuality and apart from consideration of such questions. In the case of gay marriage, congregations would discuss and discern whether or not such marriages would be held on church property, and pastors would determine for themselves whether or not to conduct such a service.

I hope you will take time to look over this chart. I find it quite helpful.

1 comment:

  1. This outsider looking in is not optimistic about the upcoming St. Louis meeting.


Fishing for the Future

takemefishing.org I was supposed to go fishing this afternoon.  Didn’t happen, though. Bummer. I love to fish, though I do not...